Dublin Chiropractor : Dr. Robert McCleary
Welcome to Navan Road Chiropractic!

Dr. Robert McCleary
Dublin Chiropractor, Dr. Robert McCleary, believes that the most important thing he does is to ‘Listen’ to his patients. “I also tell it like it is with patients. I explain what has happened and what to expect throughout the course of treatment,” states Dr. McCleary. “Simply knowing what is going on can have a profound and positive effect on the healing process. At Navan Road Chiropractic, we treat every patient with respect and empathy.”
Can Chiropractic Care help you?
Chiropractic offers natural relief of chronic pain, headaches, disc disorders and personal injury cases. Chiropractors help newborns, infants, teenagers, adults and seniors. And health conscious Irish families choose Navan Road Chiropractic.
Helping Dublin Families!
“In the past sixteen years of practice here in Dublin it has been my great pleasure to be of service to thousands of patients. To those of you that we have served, we offer a sincere thank you for your trust and dedication to our services. To those of you considering chiropractic as a treatment option for your particular health issues, please take that first step and contact our Dublin chiropractic practic. We are here to help you!”